Pick-up and drop-off
We are sorry, this car rental is not available to book at the moment
The "From Price" denotes our best discounted price
The generated price is calculated using the base price for this vehicle.
If you have have a Discount Code you will be asked to enter this in the next step of the booking form after you select "Proceed".
When we call you you to arrange your deposit, we will inform you of your new discounted price.
Remember your discount will only be applied to the "Price per day" Total as extras are not included in discount codes unless otherwise specified.
We will email you your personally discounted booking price and confirm it when we arrange to take your deposit.
You can see your "Price per day" Total if you select "price breakdown".Get your Discount Code Here
Calculation time
Checking availability and price calculation may take up to 60 seconds. Don't forget to select any extras you require from the table above, on some smaller phones you may have to slide the table left to select quantities.
Desired Vehicle Unavailable ?
If the specific vehicle you are looking for is unavailable for your desired dates, then please contact us using the enquiry form or contact us page and we can look at arranging an alternative quote.
VW UP (Manual)
Small economical run around , ideal for exploring Paphos and the surrounding areas.
Space for 5 Adults although would suggest its better suited to 4 Adults or 2 adults with children, or for a couple.
Luggage space will accommodate 2 small suitcases/bags
Insurance Excess on this GROUP A vehicle is, with each insurance package is:
Basic €400
Silver €300
Gold €250
See our full Terms & Conditions.
Happy Car Hire Office, Hotel / Villa Deliveries / Collections, Pafos Airport (PFO)
Small cars
Manual transmission
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